A Long Time Coming Book Summary – By Meghan Quinn

A Long Time Coming Book Summary
A Long Time Coming Book Summary

3 Sentence Summary

“A Long Time Coming” is a fresh friends-to-lovers romance by Meghan Quinn. The plot revolves around Breaker who finds himself grappling with unexpected feelings for his best friend, Lia, as she prepares to marry another man. As the wedding date approaches, Breaker realizes he’s deeply in love with Lia, challenging their decade-long friendship and forcing them both to confront their true feelings.

Summary Read Time: Less than 7 minutes

Actual Book Length: 473

First Published in: 2023

Below is the detailed yet quick A Long Time Coming book summary:

Part 1

Lia, a college student, is trying to find Room 209 for a meeting of the Secret Scrabble Society (SSS). She bumps into a tall guy with a thick mustache, sipping a Slurpee, who seems to know about the SSS. Lia had been handpicked by the SSS after a rigorous online tryout process. She’s been invited to Room 209 in the Pine Dormitory but is having trouble finding it. The guy with the Slurpee, who seems to know more than he lets on, teases her about her confusion.

Lia is wary of the Slurpee guy, thinking he might be a test from the SSS. She’s also worried about being late. After some banter, she finds the door to Room 209 and tries to enter using a password. The door opens to reveal a large room filled with geeky memorabilia, from Star Wars posters to a fancy Scrabble board. The room belongs to the Slurpee guy, who introduces himself as Breaker Cane. He’s also the head of the SSS.

Lia and Breaker bond over their shared interests. She’s impressed by his room and they exchange playful banter. Breaker appreciates Lia’s forthrightness, even when she critiques his mustache. Lia and Breaker engage in a competitive game of Scrabble. She had a significant lead, but Breaker manages to turn the tables with a high-scoring word.

After the game, they continue chatting, getting to know each other better. Breaker asks Lia rapid-fire questions to gauge her interests and they bond over shared favorites like “The Princess Bride” and “Wonder Years”. They discuss the challenges of making friends in college. Lia mentions she’s a transfer student and has struggled to find like-minded people. Breaker, a junior, shares similar sentiments.

Lia reveals she knits hats for cats and sells them, which amuses Breaker. Their conversation takes a personal turn, and Breaker inquires if Lia has a boyfriend, clarifying he’s just curious.

Part 2

Lia and Breaker text about a Sunday brunch at his brother’s house. Breaker dreads the event, feeling out of place among his brothers and their wives. Lia playfully invites herself, wanting to get to know Lottie and Kelsey better.

Breaker and Lia share a close moment, with Lia giving Breaker a kiss on the cheek. Breaker is left wanting more but reminds himself of Lia’s engagement. Lia confronts Breaker about him making plans and seemingly trying to distance himself from her. Breaker explains that things will change once she’s married and that he’s trying to prepare her for that transition.

Lia and Breaker share a deep and emotional text exchange. Breaker admits to always thinking about Lia, and their conversation hints at deeper feelings between them. Lia is left confused and emotional.

Lia has a fight with her fiancé, Brian. She seeks solace in texting Breaker, who becomes protective and assures her of her worth. The dynamics between Lia, Breaker, and Brian become more complex.

Breaker’s texts reveal his deep feelings for Lia. He’s protective, caring, and seems to be struggling with his emotions, especially given Lia’s engagement to Brian. Lia and Breaker’s text exchange becomes more intimate. Breaker’s comments hint at a deeper desire for Lia, and their conversation becomes charged with tension.

Lia reflects on her relationship with Breaker and the complexities of her feelings for him, especially in light of her engagement to Brian.

Part 3

Lia confronts her fiancĂ©, Brian, about the way he treats her. She feels like she’s not his top priority and is hurt by his comments about her appearance and choices. Brian’s mother also seems to have a significant influence on their relationship, further complicating matters.

Lia realizes that she’s been holding onto the relationship with Brian mainly because he helped her cope with the grief of losing her parents. However, she begins to question his motives and whether he genuinely cared for her or was using her grief to get closer.

Lia decides she deserves better. She pushes her engagement ring towards Brian, declaring she’s done with feeling inadequate and dealing with his overbearing mother. She expresses her desire for more from a relationship and her worthiness of it.

Throughout the challenges with Brian, Breaker remains a pillar of support for Lia. She acknowledges that he’s the only one truly listening to her and understanding her feelings.

Lia’s experience of trying on wedding dresses becomes symbolic of the pressures and expectations she’s facing. She’s uncomfortable with the choices made for her, further highlighting the lack of control she feels in her relationship with Brian. Breaker steps in to help her choose a dress that truly reflects her style, showcasing his understanding of her.

Breaker confides in a friend about his shock at Lia’s engagement and how he perceives her relationship with Brian. He feels that their relationship lacks the depth and connection that typically characterizes romantic relationships.

Part 4 – How Does “A Long Time Coming” Book End?

Lia decides she deserves better and deserves to be someone’s priority. She removes her engagement ring and places it on the table, signaling the end of their engagement. She expresses her desire for more from a relationship and asserts her worth.

Lia tells Brian that she’s done feeling inadequate and dealing with his overbearing mother. She emphasizes her worth and her desire for a genuine, supportive relationship.

After a night of bonding, Breaker walks Lia back to her apartment. Instead of a passionate kiss, he opts for a comforting hug and a kiss on her forehead. Their unique wall-knocking ritual continues, signaling their connection despite the emotional complexities.

After another intimate encounter, Breaker decides to leave Lia’s apartment post-dessert, catching her off guard. His abrupt departure leaves her surprised and possibly confused about the nature of their relationship.

Ultimately Breaker and Lia share an intimate moment, with both of them expressing their deep feelings for each other. Lia teases Breaker for not making a move sooner, and Breaker admits his regret for not doing so. He emphasizes how grateful he is to have her now.

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